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Choosing the correct furniture for mental health / behavioural facilities

Healthcare furniture is designed and manufactured specifically to assist staff and ensure the comfort, safety and health of patients.

When fitting out healthcare facilities for clients with behavioural issues there are numerous factors which should be taken into consideration, all of which are important to the client/patient, doctors, nurses as well as visitors to the clinic or facility.

The main challenge when furnishing these healthcare facilities is that we need to accommodate individuals with vastly different needs from one another due to the extensive range of mental illnesses that the facilities have to deal with.

When selecting furniture there are some areas that must be considered. Firstly the most important consideration is the safety of both the patient and the staff giving care. Avoid providing any furniture that can be used to cause harm to the patient, staff, other patients or visitors.

There should be no ligature points on the provided furniture. No furniture should have removable parts and open shelving in rooms rather than cabinets with drawers and doors would be a better option.

Eliminate the possibility for hiding contraband by providing no concealment areas in all furniture from chairs, lounges, bedside cabinets etc.

Try to achieve finishes used in a traditional healthcare facility by incorporating peaceful inviting colours in your furniture adding to a feeling of warmth. Every room in the facility should feel inviting, creating an atmosphere wherein patients feel a sense of control.

Residents that are in a behavioural health facility will require more personal space than what is seen in a standard healthcare facility. Chairs, tables, coffee tables need to be able to be moved apart, for either rearranging as the clientele change or in case of emergencies.

Behavioural health furniture may need to be bolted to the floor in areas such as seclusion or cool down rooms where the chances of a lash out are particularly high.

Reception area furniture is just as important as the examination or patient rooms. Furniture that work together holistically will improve the experience for patients their carers and the staff. If the reception area flows together smoothly and consistently it will provide a space where everyone in the room can feel safe and at ease.

Hospitals and other healthcare facilities require furniture that will resist the growth of bacteria and the spread of germs. Bariatric chairs and other very specific types of furniture can be offered to keep all patients as comfortable and safe as possible during their visit.

The things to consider when outfitting a Healthcare facility with appropriate furniture are very varied and can become overwhelming. The services and capabilities that our Healthcare Team offer can make your healthcare appropriate furniture purchasing as easy as possible, helping you work through the needs of your individual project.

Request a call with one of our experts today!

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